Sunday, December 5, 2010

Page Break

Hey friends,  over the past two months I've discovered that I am thoroughly enjoying writing again.  Now that blogging has returned me to the practice, I may take a little break from blogging and see where the practice of writing essays takes me.  I'll leave it up and post now and then. Hope to hear from you and if you have any questions, need any help with finding resources, just contact me through the email provided.

Want to share this little poem with you.  Harry, a four year old friend created it and his mom transcribed it.  This is his first poem and it is published with his permission.

The tiger runs behind him.



please stop by and visit my fish
they'll get lonely ❤


  1. What an awesome poem! I can totally envision it! In fact I think the tiger must have been chasing my crazy cat last night as he zoomed around our house...

  2. Love that poem! Thanks Harry!

  3. Pass my compliments on to Harry--love his work :)

    I'm glad that your spark for writing has been (re)ignited. I look forward to seeing what comes from this time.
